Universal System
This is the flagship of our range. The unique patented clamping bracket is the most versatile system available in todays market. It has a full range of movement to allow it to be attached to a wide variety of structures.
A full range of adjustment from zero right through to thirty degrees allows for different roof pitches as well as easily attaching to gable outrigers. This clamp can attach to rafter tale or stud frame of the building.
The system is also certified to be used as a void protection and 1st floor framing edge protection via clamping to the stud. The universal clamp makes assembley of edge protection a simple and cost effective process.

About Us
Speedsafe is Australia's leading designer, manufacturer and distributor for guardrail fall protection systems.
Our Contact Details
2/11 Bonanza Drive,
Billinudgel, NSW 2483
P.O.Box 319,
Billinudgel, NSW 2483
(+61) 02 6680 2535
(+61) 02 66 802 535